Goal Of Action: To make make the educational award amount the average cost for a four year college.
Specifics/Means of Goal: To promote service in the community and make kids want to win the award so that they can go to college for close to nothing.
Type of Power: The power to amend would a expressed power by congress.
Analysis: I think that it would be a good thing for congress to pass because it would for sure promote high school students who can't afford college to want to do this service and try and win an educational award to get rewarded for their hard work.
I agree with Perry on his points of allowing students the ability to go to college. However from a University standpoint, would this Act strip the Universities their constitutional right to charge different amounts for tuition? Would this Act only apply to State schools? Or Private too?
Perry, do you think the power to award money for education based on national service is an implied or expressed power?
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