Friday, March 12, 2010
Censorship-Adam Crawford
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Perry D'Angelo- Volunteering
Trevor Setterlin
They want to create a designation for National Animal Rescue Day. This will create awareness in animal rescue programs, spaying and neutering pets, encourage people to adopt from shelters and the importance of adopting. This will increase knowledge of animal rescue in the United States.
It went to the House Committee on oversight and Government reform. The House of Representatives passed it.
Goal of Action:
To create a designation for National Animal Rescue Day
Specifics/Means of Goal:
The House has to support it to be passed.
Type of Power:
This is a good bill because it will create awareness throughout the United States about animal rescue programs, and the importance of spaying and neutering pets, and why it is important to adopt from shelters.
Chris Bifsha - Public assistance (S.609 )
Goal of Action: To help take the problem of money from newly found charities.
Specifics/Means of the goal: The government would help new charities that need money to start and give them grants and funds to help them get going. Also the money would not be granted to the privet charities.
Type of Power: Congress is using implied power in this case because these evolves the country's money and it needs to be regulated so that we are not wasting money.
Analysis: yes. congress goes have the implied power to make the country's budget and things like this bill are taken into account when it is all put together. But the most important step is that the president must sign the budget plan. if not then it goes back to committee to be reviewed and revised.
Andrew Wagner
Using the Congressional engine on Thomas, identify a congressional action related to your capstone project and fill in the following information.
- Copy and paste the following in a new blog post.
- Label your entry with the topic of your Capstone.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
Goal of Action:
Specifics/Means of Goal:
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Title: Commending The Ohio State University Buckeyes football team for its victory in the 2010 Rose Bowl.
Sponsor: Rep Kilroy, Mary Jo [OH-15] (introduced 1/27/2010) Cosponsors (26)
- 1/27/2010:
- Referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor.
- 2/23/2010:
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness.
- 3/9/2010 4:40pm:
- Mr. Pierluisi moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.
- 3/9/2010 4:40pm:
- Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1203-1205)
- 3/9/2010 4:40pm:
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Res. 1047.
- 3/9/2010 4:53pm:
- At the conclusion of debate, the chair put the question on the motion to suspend the rules. Mr. Pierluisi objected to the vote on the grounds that a quorum was not present. Further proceedings on the motion were postponed. The point of no quorum was withdrawn.
Is this an expressed, or an implied power of Congress? Should Congress be spending time on this type of work?
Title: To amend the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to assure comprehensive, affordable health insurance coverage for all Americans through an American Health Benefits Program.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action? /what happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
The healthcare debate has been going on for a long time but has increased in the last two years. There have only been minimal references to the bill by the Speaker, Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the House Ways and Means. The bill did die down due to the lack of support from others in the House.
Goals of this bill are to create a health care system that ensures insurance and care for all Americans. It would create yet another bureaucracy in our government by establishing independent Health Benefits Administration. In addition to establishing another government bureaucracy, to make sure that the bill would be carried out correctly another bureaucracy the Health Benefits Commission.
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) impose a premium on individuals enrolled in a qualified health plan under SSA title XXII, which shall be reduced by the amount of government contribution; (2) allow a tax credit to covered individuals equal to the sum of the aggregate amount of premiums paid (other than government contributions) with respect to the individual's coverage, and the applicable premium subsidy; (3) impose on every employer an excise tax equal to the applicable percentage of the wages paid employees; (4) allow a tax credit against such excise tax for periods during which an employee is covered by qualified employer-provided coverage; and (5) impose a tax on hospital revenues.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This bill would be an expressed power because it is not stated in the U.S. Constitution that every citizen in America must be covered by insurance and have healthcare provided by taxpayers.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
I do not think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers because is creating a socialist environment. It is not fiscally responsible to have every single American fully covered by insurance and have accessibility to healthcare. The idea of the bill sounds great and is a very broad viewpoint of how our healthcare system should be. The bill is specific about the people who are covered but not about those American’s that are paying for other’s healthcare benefits. By working and earning my money, I certainly do not want to be taxed higher than I already am because I have to help other’s healthcare. The taxpayer does not get any type of compensation for their taxation, thus I disagree with this Bill and Congress should not use their constitutional powers.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Megan Trapasso- Multiple Myeloma
Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require group and individual health insurance coverage and group health plans to provide coverage for individuals participating in approved cancer clinical trials.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
They want to amend the Public Health Service Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). They want health plans and health insurance issuers to cover routine patient care costs for individuals with serious and life threatening diseases other than just cancer. This would cover approved cancer clinical trials. The bill has not been passed yet.
The Bill was referred on 1/27/2009
Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Education and Labor, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Energy and Commerce
Referred to House Education and Labor
Referred to House Ways and Means
Goal of Action:
The goal of action is that cancer clinical trials will be covered by health plans and health isurance. This would help people with serious diseases such as cancer pay for their medical bills.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
This would require federal government contributions.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is a implied power. It's not mentioned in the constitution. They use the elastic clause to do what is necessary and proper.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
I think congress should do this so then people can receive treatment for their cancer.
Jenny Sherer- Poverty
This bill is to help those who are in need of healthcare that are unable to afford it. It also helps those who are disabled and can not afford the healthcare that they may need.
The goal of this bill is so that everyone will have equal protection as far asa healthcare. There is not one person who is not able to get good care when they go to a hospital.
Type of power:
This is the legislative power, because it has not passed through the house yet.
No, this has not passed yet, it is still going through congress. There has been several changes to it to try and get it passed but not much has happened.
Cassie Guzik- Child Abuse
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
Some Covered Programs, a public or private entity that (1) provides a residential environment; and (2) operates with a focus on serving children with emotional, behavioral, or mental health problems or disorders, or problems with alcohol or substance abuse, are not working as well as they should. This bill was referred to Senate committee: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Feb. 24, 2009.
Goal of Action:
The goal of this bill is to improve public and private covered programs dealing with child abuse by requiring them to meet a minimum standard if individually or together with other locations it has an effect on interstate commerce.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
If passed, this bill will “(1) implement an ongoing review process for investigating and evaluating reports of child abuse and neglect; (2) establish public websites with information about each covered program, as well as a national toll-free telephone hotline to receive complaints; (3) establish civil penalties for violations of standards; and (4) establish a process to ensure that complaints received by the hotline are promptly reviewed by persons with appropriate expertise... [5] Requires the Assistant Secretary to refer any violation of such standards to the Attorney General for appropriate action. Authorizes the Attorney General to file such a complaint on his or her own initiative regardless of whether such a referral has been made... [6] Authorizes appropriations for FY2010-FY2014... [7] Amends the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act to establish additional eligibility requirements for grants to states to prevent child abuse and neglect at residential programs. Require such states to develop policies and procedures to prevent child abuse and neglect at covered programs consistent with the standards specified by this Act... [8] Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to study and report to Congress on outcomes for children in both private and public covered programs under this Act encompassing a broad representation of treatment facilities and geographic regions”.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
It is an implied power. First because congress can regulate commerce they are able to set standards to any organization that affects commerce. Second, Congress’ ability to tax allows them to spend the money where they need to which allows them to establish additional eligibility requirements for grants.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
While I believe using the ability to regulate interstate commerce is stretching their powers a bit too much, I think the ability to increase the eligibility requirements for grants is within their power. Child abuse is a serious problem and any method that could improve the safety and security of children should be taken.
Samantha Sloop - Homeless
This bill is for the welfare of the people of the United States of America that are homeless or unemployed, to try and help them. This bill became a public law.
Goal of Action:
Declares that the government should intervene with the number of unemployment and homeless people by making jobs and securing them.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
“Making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes.”
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is an implied power which is not stated directly in the Constitution, but is under the Elastic Clause. This allows Congress to do whatever is "necessary and proper" and they believe in helping out the population that does not have a job or a home to get one so they can become dependent and stimulate the economy.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes I think that congress should do this because if they don’t, who will? Congress should be concerned with the well being of Americans and help them out so they can survive in our struggling economy.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?): American Health Benefits Program Act of 2009 - Amends the Social Security Act (SSA) to establish under a new title XXII (American Health Benefits Program) a program to provide comprehensive health insurance coverage to all Americans who are: (1) not covered under certain federal health insurance programs; and (2) not eligible for employer-provided insurance coverage. Requires provision of such coverage in a manner similar to that in which coverage has been provided to Members of Congress, federal government employees, retirees, and their dependents under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Goal of Action:
Specifics/Means of Goal:
Establishes in the Treasury an American Health Benefits Program Trust Fund.
Directs the Administrator of Health Benefits to establish a schedule of cost-sharing subsidies for lower-income individuals.
Establishes an independent Health Benefits Administration, headed by the Administrator.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!): This is an implied power, which relates to the commerce clause, because it's involved in work force.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?) yes, because this will provide more coverage for people.
Nick Berry-At Risk Youth
Do to the Growing number of youth delinquencies and gang related violence, they wanted to pass this bill to help keep youths away from the gangs. it Amends the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to assist the office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. This needs to have congressional action because of the federal crimes such as the gangs and the killings that relate to them. This bill has not yet passed but it has been Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Goal of Action: The goal is to keep youths away from juvenile delinquency and also criminal street gang activity. and to ensure that youths lead productive, safe, healthy, gang-free, and law-abiding lives.
Specifics/Means of Goal: They are going to try and help At Risk Youths by better opportunities, Mentoring, intervention and support. The bill is also going to (1) assess and develop standards and evidence-based practices to prevent juvenile delinquency and criminal street gang activity; and (2) collecting data in designated geographic areas to assess the needs and existing resources for juvenile delinquency and criminal street gang activity prevention and intervention.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is an Implied power because in the elastic clause it states that the government should do all the necessary and proper things to improve and at risk youths life.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes, Because their should be help from the government. Because kids usually do what they are surrounded by so if the parents are not able to help then maybe the government can help them, through mentoring and other opportunities to keep them away from gangs.
Art Education
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?): H.R.597 was created “To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants for core curriculum development.” This act was referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor on January 15, 2009.
Goal of Action: “To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants for core curriculum development”
Specifics/Means of Goal: To give grants to local educational agencies in order to strengthen school subjects such as music and arts, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, history, geography, and physical education and health
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!): Congress is using an expressed power to “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,”
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?) Yes because in powers given to Congress to support education
Goal of Action:
Declares that the U.S. Government should pursue more English-plus policies
Specifics/Means of Goal:
1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents of this country to learn or maintain skills in languages other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital American interests and individual rights, and oppose English-only measures and other restrictionist language measures.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):Implied Power, because there's no expressed power that specifically deals with these issues. However, it is granted by the expressed power of being able to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes, because I don't think Americans should be ignorant—if we want everyone to learn English it's only fair that we make an effort to learn other languages as well.
Meghin L.-The Environment
Goal of Action: To reform the national energy policy.
Specifics/Means of the goal: The government would invest more in research for alternative energy sources as well as programs for conservation and new technology. Also, a plan for increased consumer awareness and energy efficiency will be put into place in order to involve the public in refofming the energy policy.
Type of Power: Congress is using implied power in this case because the constitution does not specifically state that Congress has power over the environment and energy, but it is implied that it should be able to regulate such actions.
Analasys: Yes. Congress has all the right to reform the national energy policy for foreign and domestic benefit. The nations current energy is currently spinning out of control and if steps towards better efficiency and renewable energy sources are not taken the increasing energy use will have a devistating and irreversible effect on not only the United States, but also, the world.
Congressional Powers Assignment
The horse protection act of 1970 was passed by congress due to the increasing concern for horse safety. It has to deal with the care and training methods and implements that can be legally used. It also outlines the penalties for violations of this act. It is currently enforced by the USDA.
Goal of Action:
Congress was trying to create a safe atmosphere for horses. Traditionally trainer have used chains and ropes to make horses have abnormal or unnatural gaits. Also, to achieve results that are not commonly seen in a wild or "natural horse". It also sets a standard for their care.
Means of Goal:
The Attorney General has set up offices and agencies that preform random spot checks at horse shows and events. From the result of some of these illegal methods scars and blistering occur and can be detected. Also, if people call in and report the crime the USDA investigates to see if there is a violation. The act if enforced today by the United State Department of Agriculture.
Type of Power:
Implied- Congress used the Commerce and Trade clause of the constitution. Since horses are often times sold or make money congress was able to use this clause.
Yes, This is a problem that needed to be addressed. It needs to be a federal law that is the same in each state. If it is left up to each individual state then people can move and take advantage of a lack of enforcement or even of laws. It is kind of a strech to connect this to commerce however it needed to be done so I support it.
Ashley Neri-Autism
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/ What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):The growing population of people with autism in the United States the government has been trying to pass bills that will aid in the development and success of people with autism. The Global Autism Assistance Act of 2009 focuses on two specific features. One being that it supports activities by organization and other service providers that are not government run programs. This Bill also is trying to put in place a “teach the teachers” program so that they can train health and education professionals who work with children who have autism. This Bill is still in the process and has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Goal of Action:To establish and administer a health and education grant program for children with special needs.
Specifics/ Means of the goal:They are going to support activities by nongovernmental organizations and other service providers, including advocacy groups. In addition, they want to establish a “teach the teachers” program to help train health and education professionals that work with special needs children.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it?):This is an implied power because is not stated directly in the Constitution. However, it is under the Elastic Clause. This allows Congress to do what they think is "necessary and proper" and they believe evidence from this bill, in which they believe in bettering the lives for children who have autism.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional Powers):Yes, I believe that by helping children with autism we are showing the work that people who have autism can contribute to society in a variety of ways if we give them the tools to succeed. Many people living in this country may know of the growing numbers of children with special needs and we need to find a way to help those children become productive adults when they are older. Many don’t know all the possible contributions that special needs children can make to society but the least we can do is give them the proper tools to show us what they can do. The United States Congress is well inside of its powers because it is dealing with bettering the lives of U.S. citizens.
Title: H.CON.RES.96 Recognizing the importance of autism awareness, supporting efforts to increase funding for research into the causes and treatment of autism and to improve training and support for individuals with autism and those who care for individuals with autism. Commends the parents and relatives of individuals with autism for their sacrifice and dedication in providing for the special needs of individuals with autism.
This bill has not yet been passed but is in the process to be passed. The Committees on Energy, education and Foreign Affairs are considering it.
Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Education and Labor, and Foreign Affairs,
Referred to House Energy and Commerce
Referred to House Education and Labor
Referred to House Foreign Affairs
Expresses support for: (1) increasing federal funding for research; (2) the federal government's commitment to provide states with 40% of the costs needed to educate children with disabilities; and (3) the government's commitment to fund services through Medicaid to eligible autistic individuals. Recognizes (1) The need to begin early intervention services soon after a child has been diagnosed; (2) that individuals with autism should have the opportunity to lead rewarding lives; (3) the shortage of appropriately trained professionals; and (4) the importance of worker training programs tailored to the needs of developmentally disabled persons. Joins with members of the United Nations in promoting awareness of autism spectrum disorders in all regions of the world.
Type of Power
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes, I think Congress should do this according to its constitutional powers because every child should have the opportunity to get necessary treatment and proper education. Also the government should increase the funds for research to improve every single child’s life.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
The bill was not passed but is being referred to different committees. It is being looked over in the House committee on Financial Services.
Goal of Action:
6/25/2009: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
(1) Children and youth have a right to adequate housing
(2) There are an unacceptably large number of children and youth in the United States who experience homelessness every year, often because of the lack of affordable housing for their families
(3) Projects that provide services to parents and other caretakers to prevent possible homelessness of youth in crisis should be created
(4) Programs that address the housing needs of low-income families should be implemented.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
I think it is an implied power that goes off of Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution because keeping the children safe is important without them there is no future for our country.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
I think this is something congress can do it is working to make the United States a better place to live. If you start with the children then it will hopefully lead them to a better future as an adult.
Kelli Conner-Disabilities and Sports
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
This is an amendment to the H.R. 1388, "The Edward M. Kennedy serve America Act, an Act to reauthorize and reform the national service laws." This law includes the school and community-based service-learning programs and higher education innovative programs for community serve. This also amends the S.AMDT.687, which is an amendment to H.R.1388. The modified amendment was agreed to in the Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Goal of Action:
Amendment SA 693 proposed by Senator Johanns to Amendment SA 687. (consideration: CR S3648-3649; text: CR S3648)
Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S3745, S3772)
Amendment SA 693 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S3772
Specifics/Means of Goal:
To ensure that organizations promoting competitive and non-competitive sporting events involving individuals with disabilities may receive direct and indirect assistance to carry out national service programs.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
Congress is using an implied power. I think that the expressed power that would grant this is the regulating commerce one because this amendment deals with established organizations so could be considered commerce across state lines.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
No, I think that they are stretching the term commerce and using it in a way the the framers did not intend.
Nick Bergen - Music Education
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
The bill entitled “The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, an Act to reauthorize and reform the national service laws” was designed to expand the previous “AmeriCorps” program established in 1993. The bill is relevent to music education because it has an amendment that includes music education in the expansion criteria (voted in the senate by unanimous consent on 3-29-2009. The bill passed in the house on 3-18-2009 and in the senate, after being ordered to be amended, on 4-21-2009.
Goal of Action: To reform and expand the previous “AmeriCorps” program established in 1993 under the Clinton administration.
Specifics/Means of Goal: created 5 new service corps including the new education corps. Through an amendment, the education corps supports music and arts education services.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!): Congress is acting on the expressed power that allows congress, “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,” or in other words, the education system.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?): Yes because it is within the powers of congress to support and education system.
H.RES.43 : Recognizing the efforts of those who serve their communities on Martin Luther King Day and promoting the holiday as a day of national service.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
- 1/9/2009:
- Referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor.
- 3/6/2009:
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Healthy Families and Communities.
- 1/13/2009 2:43pm:
- Mr. Hinojosa moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.
- 1/13/2009 2:43pm:
- Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H176-179)
- 1/13/2009 2:43pm:
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Res. 43.
- 1/13/2009 3:00pm:
- At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.
- 1/13/2009 7:11pm:
- Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H183-184)
- 1/13/2009 7:19pm:
- On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 13). (text: CR H176)
- 1/13/2009 7:19pm:
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
as you can see it's still undecided and has been postponed.
Goal of Action:
To have everyone commit to some kind of service on Martin Luther King Day in memory of him. To do some service that's not violent and that really shows whats trying to be encouraged to others: to stay away from violent acitivities, like MLK did, and instead help out the community.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
that by doing this one...
"Acknowledges that by serving one's country, one's community, and one's neighbor our nation makes progress in civility, equality, and unity consistent with the values and life's work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is an implied power because back then, no one really knew about volunteering, they just helped people to be nice like helping your old grannie neighbor bring in her groceries. Its also implied because they can make laws based on each problem at hand about community service acts.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
i believe congress should have the power, no effence to the president, but congressmen know certain areas better than the president, and know what places may need help by (willing) volunteers to help out. It is also not that major of a deal in the states today, so im sure congress can handle it.
Will Trabue- environmental protection
Title: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1262) to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes.
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action? /what happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
To be in control of the water pollution acts funding, so that this act is effective, and useful to protecting our environment.
Goal of Action:
To ensure that the act has the ability to shine with all it’s potential.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
To make sure funding for the act is appropriate, so that its effective for protecting out natural waters.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
It’s an implied power because the constitution does not go into detail about protecting the environment, but does state to ensure the well being of the people. Which is what this would fall under.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes because water is the universal solvent. It’s necessary for anything pure to survive, and flourish. Without healthy fresh water to drink, and use, we will, be an unhealthy, unsanitary, dying nation, that will slowly wither away.
How can a local community have an impact on a national issue such as NF?
The Senate bill 1299 is a bill to reform the care for first response workers that can contract resistant strains and infectious diseases such as MRSA, or like NF. It's currently being lost in Senate committees.
Goal of Action:
To reduce the amount of first response workers such as EMT's, nurses, police, and fireman, and workers exposed to diseases such as MRSA and NF.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
180 days after passed, an infectious disease control organization for offices should be set up, and personal prevention equipment is to be administered to workers. Also, education on ways to prevent, recognize, and recover from these diseases, as well as provide medical attention to at risk workers.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is a bill acting on an implied power of the expressed interstate commerce clause. The Senate wants to protect workers which has to be regulated between states.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
I think that this bill is certainly in the best interest of the people involved, and shouldn't be stopped, although I don't really know why congress sees that they should do it.
Glass blowing
Goal of Action:
Specifics/Means of Goal:
Provides an energy package to the United States
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
An implied power to help the general welfare of the people.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Kristyn Fulcher - Elderly Care
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action?/ What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
The growing population of elderly Americans has caused Congress to try and pass a Bill to increase and train all sectors of the health care workforce in elderly care. The Aging America Act of 2009 amends the Public Health Service Act to require an expansion of training for health professionals in the field of geriatrics. This Bill also requires the development of core training programs for personal and home health care aides. This Bill is still in the process as it has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Education and Labor.
Goal of Action:
To better educate the current workforce in the care of elderly U.S. citizens.
Specifics/ Means of the goal:
An increase in spending by the National Institutes of Health on conditions and illnesses affecting the health of older Americans would help to educate workers. The Bill is also hoping to establish a panel of long-term care health experts to help family caregivers and personal home health aides.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it?):
This is an implied power which is not stated directly in the Constitution, but is under the Elastic Clause. This allows Congress to do whatever is "necessary and proper" and they believe in bettering the care for our elderly population.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional Powers):
Yes, I believe that an increase in the workforce caring for our elderly will in turn allow more people to trust in assisted living and nursing home facilities. Also, most people have loved ones who are elderly and they would want them to receive the best care possible. This Bill is well within the rights of Congress since it is dealing with the care of U.S. citizens.
Art Therapy
Background: H.CON.RES.58 Title: Expressing the sense of Congress that any effort to reengineer the health care system in the United States should incorporate sustainable wellness programs that address the underlying causal factors associated with chronic disease. Sponsor: Rep Langevin, James R. [RI-2] (introduced 2/24/2009) Cosponsors (6) Latest Major Action: 2/24/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Goal of Action:Calls for Congress to ensure that any reengineering of the U.S. health care system
Specifics/Means of Goal:
(1) incorporates sustainable wellness programs that address the underlying causal factors associated with chronic disease;
(2) ensures that the public has access to strategies for improving individual health and increasing individual capacity to engage in activities of daily living through lifestyle change, including strategies relating to diet, exercise, smoking cessation, and stress reduction;
(3) provides patient-centered care--
(A) that addresses personal health needs; and
(B) that uses a multidimensional approach to encourage patients to improve their own wellness through lifestyle changes and the use of scientifically based therapies and outcomes-based treatments that facilitate the inherent ability of the human body to maintain and restore optimal health; and
(4) utilizes clearly defined standards to determine when the implementation of wellness and health promotion activities will be useful for each patient based on the diet, exercise habits, individual health history, and family health history of the patient.
Type of Power: This is an implied power, there is really no part that says congress can to this. The only one that is slightly close to a power they can use is the promoteing the progress of science part.
Analysis: I think this is a good idea but I do not think Congress has the power to do this based on the Constitution
Rachel Linard - Underage Drinking
Background (What circumstances necessitate Congressional action? What happened to the Bill in Congress? Did it pass, or die in committee?):
Support 21 Act of 2009 - Requires the Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to establish a program under which at least two campaigns in support of enforcement of the minimum legal drinking age will be implemented per year for each of 2010 through 2014 to: (1) educate the public about the public health and safety benefits and basis for age-21 minimum legal drinking age laws; and (2) build public and parental support for, and cooperation with, enforcement of such laws.
Authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), acting through the Administrator, to make grants to professional pediatric medical organizations to increase effective practices to reduce the prevalence of alcohol use among individuals under the age of 21.
Requires the Secretary to establish within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a focus on underage drinking prevention, including activities for: (1) expanding and disseminating research on strategies for reducing underage drinking; and (2) public health and state-level surveillance of underage drinking.
Requires the National Academy of Sciences to review and report to Congress on research regarding the influence of drinking alcohol on the development of the adolescent brain and the public policy implications.
Activity: Referral, In Committee
Goal of Action:
2/12/2009: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
Authorizes the Administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Administrator) to make supplemental grants to eligible entities to implement strategies to: (1) work with local pediatric health care providers to increase alcohol education, screening, and intervention provided to patients and persons under age 21; (2) give such providers access to the community sectors involved in collaborating on the implementation of comprehensive, community wide programs, strategies, and services to reduce underage alcohol use and abuse; (3) provide science-based alcohol information and education to caregivers of children and young adults through relevant community sectors; and (4) undertake activities to support the national campaigns.
Type of Power (Is Congress acting according to an expressed or implied power? If it is implied, what expressed power grants it? - Check the Constitution to figure this out!):
This is an implied power. It doesn’t specifically state in the Constitution the problems of underage drinking and the concerns because it wasn’t a big issue back then. It’s implied where they can make laws according to what problems need to be fixed or things that need to be stressed such as the change of the drinking age from 18 to 21 due to increased problems with the issue.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)
Yes, I think it is important for Congress to do. These laws are necessary to being past to help our learning and education for children of underage drinking as well as the safety for the people who choose to drink underage. It’s been a concern for a long time and is growing, so I feel that this bill is essential for helping the issue.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Eric Arnold - Civil Engineering
Goal of Action:
Making appropriations for energy and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes.
Specifics/Means of Goal:
Prohibits the use of funds under this Act to influence congressional action on legislation or appropriation matters pending before Congress.
Type of Power:
This is using an implied power. There is nothing in the expressed powers about all these specifics; however, these can be implied on the basis that it is necessary for regulations of our nations energy and water development.
Analysis (Do you think Congress should do this according to its Constitutional powers?)